Monday, January 18, 2010

A Parable of Mr. Spence's 6th grade class

The kingdom of heaven is like 9 children from Yap who decided to go fishing one bright morning. With excitement in their hearts, the four girls and six boys hopped into a canoe and paddled outside of the reef to cast their lines. That day, the ocean was rough but the catch was good. Many fish had been caught and their guts were floating in the water where the children had cleaned them. Suddenly, Dale’s line pulled like crazy. In fact, it pulled so hard that Dale was thrown into the rough water as a whale took off with the other end of his line. Frightened, he looked around to see many white tipped sharks beginning to circle him. The remaining 4 boys began to laugh and point at him helplessly struggling in the water. However, the 4 girls quickly looked around the boat and saw there was no rope to throw him. Without hesitation they dove into the raging water and swam selflessly to Dale. Three of the girls began systematically karate chopping the sharks right on the tip of the nose which every island kid knows is the best place to karate chop a shark while the last girl carried Dale to the safety of the boat.

When all were safe within the boat and the boys had recovered from their laughing fits, the children looked around and saw that the island was nowhere in sight and that they were completely lost. Much worse, the fish they had caught earlier had been flung into the sea during the epic battle with the sharks. For 7 days they were lost at sea without food or water. Then, as the children began to lose consciousness beneath the hot tropical sun, a miraculous breeze picked up and the next thing they knew, the boat was carried back to the island.

There on the beach they were met by Dale’s ecstatic parents who ran to great him. He told them the story of his close call with death and the parents immediately asked the girls to come with them to their beach party nearby where they could eat and drink all they wanted. As the girls started running towards the party, the boys, sick with hunger ran towards the feast as well. But as they started out of the boat, Dale’s parents stopped them saying, only the ones who helped our son while he was in need can come to our feast. So the boys were forced to lick up the betel nut spit from off the ground in order to fill their hungry stomachs.


  1. i like it! it reminds me a contemporary story of the 7 brides maids where some bring extra oil for their lamps and some dont. pretty awesome

  2. I love the parable. Who knew the kingdom of heaven was about brave-hearted girls rescuing boys from hungry sharks lurking in the deep, with karate chops no less! Looking forward to more parable adventures. We love you guys.

  3. I loved the story of your prison visit, that really touched my heart. You both are doing amazing things for the Lord and God is definitely using you in tremendous ways. You are continually in our prayers. We love you! God bless.
